足不出户即可体验我们原创定制流程的魔力。 通过我们的远程定制流程打造您独一无二的梦想戒指。
是的,预订设计会议需要支付 100 美元以上的费用。 价格差异很大程度上取决于您想与我们沟通的时间。 如果您继续与我们合作,我们会将您的设计会议费用计入您定制珠宝的成本中。
我们将尽力满足您的日程安排。 发送电子邮件至 support@trendollajewelry.com。 我们接受周一至周日的预约。
绝对地! 我们与海外或美国其他地方的许多客户合作。预订时,请确保您选择您的时区。
通过视频,您将与在整个过程中与之合作的珠宝设计师进行一对一的交谈。 您也可以事先发送任何灵感照片,或在会议期间与我们分享。 您无需了解任何有关珠宝、宝石或设计的知识。 我们将讨论珠宝的用途、它们的特别之处以及您拥有的任何设计理念和灵感。 在会议结束时,我们将对设计和预算有一个坚实的想法,如果您想继续前进,我们要求您支付 100 美元的设计押金,这将用于支付您定制珠宝的最终成本。
您无需为此会议做任何准备;我们的工作是帮助引导您找到适合您独特风格的最佳珠宝。 灵感照片和了解你喜欢和不喜欢什么是有帮助的,但不是必需的。 如果您正在为其他人制作珠宝,访问他们的 Pinterest 板或向我们展示他们/他们的风格的照片可以帮助这个过程。
是的! 我们的设计过程完全是虚拟的,因此无论您是在美国还是亚洲。 欧洲,或者非洲,定制珠宝设计流程都是一样的。
我们将采用您的所有灵感、想法和规格,并在纸上将它们变为现实,并以对耐用性、永恒的设计、结构完整性和保持在您的预算范围内的批判性眼光看待它们。 我们最初会通过电子邮件向您发送 3-5 个草图,并通过反馈和修改,直到您得到您所设想的完全正确。 我们真的希望您喜欢您的设计。
What if I don’t love any of the sketches?
Please tell us. After we send you sketches, we rely on your honest feedback so that we can get you revisions that best represent what you had in mind. It does not hurt our feelings!
Step 4: Display 3D effect
Once we have the sketch, we bring your jewelry to life with a Computer Aided Design. This is the final step before your jewelry goes into final production.
Questions about DISPLAY 3D EFFECT
I don't know anything about 3D design, what should I do?
We have converted 3D files and videos to JPG/PNG/GIF and MP4 files. You can open and view our 3D design renderings with your computer or cell phone.
How long it will take?
Usually after you confirm the sketches. We will inform you in 3-5 working days to check the 3D effect.
Production Information and Questions
How your jewelry gets produced?
We’ll precisely engineer and architect your design into a 3D CAD model and send you a digital rendering of all angles for your approval. Once approved, we take the 3D concept to metal and make a casting of your ring. Then we hand set your stones, add design details and polish.
What to expect when your jewelry is ready!
When your jewelry is ready, your designer will coordinate the delivery of your piece. We will also talk about care and cleaning.
Our process makes it easy on you

1. Consultation
Book a meeting to share your jewelry / wedding ring / engagement ring ideas, timeline and budget. Financing available.
2. Design
See sketched jewelry / rings options and review sourced stones until you approve.
3. Production
Your jewelry / ring is architected and precisely engineered with CAD, cast in metal, and the stones are set by hand.
4. Delivery
Your custom jewelry / ring is ready!
The Perfect Ring Might Not Exist...Yet
When your jewelry is ready, your designer will coordinate insured delivery of your piece. We will also set up a 30 minute video meeting to talk about care and cleaning, provide an appraisal, ring insurance info, and diamond or gemstone certification when applicable.
I Want To Create the Perfect Ring for Her
One of a kind and made by you, just for her. Are you struggling to find a ring that feels right?
Searching for an engagement ring can be frustrating. You want it to be special, you want it to represent your relationship, and you want her to love it, but every ring looks the same and the buying process feels impersonal.
Create the Perfect Ring Together
Skip the generic rings and design a custom ring that represents you as a couple
Searching for an engagement ring can be frustrating. You want it to be special, you want it to represent your relationship, and you both want to love it, but every ring looks the same and the buying process feels impersonal.
Design Your Own Custom Engagement Ring
You’re the one wearing the ring, make sure you love it.
If You Haven’t Found the Perfect Ring, It’s Because It Doesn’t Exist...Yet
You have to make it, and we can help. Whether none of the rings you’ve seen so far really wow you, or you like different things about a few different rings and wish you could combine them into one, you don't have to know exactly what you want. Bring your ideas and inspiration and we'll do the rest.
Make Your Dream Ring a Reality
You deserve to love your ring and feel like it truly represents you. And really, you don’t expect your partner to pick out clothes for you, so why would you want them to pick out the most meaningful piece of jewelry that you’re going to wear every day, forever? Designing your own ring is more common than you think.
Design Your Own Custom Engagement Ring
What if I don't know what kind of engagement ring I want?
That’s fine. Most of our clients don’t know exactly what they want, or they have an idea of what they want but it changes once we start working together. You just need to bring your ideas and inspiration images.
Is it normal to be involved in designing my engagement ring?
قطعاً. لا توجد طريقة صحيحة للانخراط. لقد صممنا خواتم لمقترحات مفاجئة ، وعملنا مع الأزواج الذين يرغبون في تصميم الخاتم معًا ، وعملنا مع النساء اللواتي يرغبن في إنشاء خاتم أحلامهن.
هل لا يزال بإمكاني الحصول على عرض مفاجئ؟
نعم! يمكنك تصميم الخاتم الخاص بك مع السماح لشريكك بالتعامل مع الباقي بما في ذلك التكلفة والدفع ، وجدولة التسليم ، ومعرفة متى سيكون جاهزًا ، وحتى التصميم النهائي واختيار الحجر.
كم من الوقت يستغرق صنع خاتم مخصص؟
من البداية إلى النهاية ، يستغرق الأمر عادةً من 8 إلى 10 أسابيع من تاريخ استشارتنا الأولية.
نعم! لا توجد قاعدة تنص على ضرورة ارتداء نفس الخاتم إلى الأبد. بينما ننمو ونتغير ، كذلك أسلوبنا الشخصي. يجب أن تحب خاتم الخطوبة وخواتم إعادة التصميم هي واحدة من أكثر المشاريع شيوعًا التي نقوم بها.